"From 1979 to 1992 I was at WIVK. I saw first hand how that station connected with the Knoxville people. One particular event will always stand out. It was one of those really cold winters in the early 1980's. One the homeless people froze to death in downtown Knoxville. Ed Brantley was doing afternoon drive and got on the air and said how terrible that was. Ed decreed that no one in Knoxville should ever have to go with out coat in the winter. He asked his listeners to bring a coat to the radio station he would see to that no one ever freezes to death in Knoxville. That began WIVK's COATS FOR THE COLD drive. The hundreds of coats delivered by Knoxville people to the radio station was unbelievable. WIVK's Coats for the Cold event, which continued for many years, is just one example of how WIVK touched Knoxville. I have never forgotten the appeal Ed Brantley made to the people, and how they responded.. It made me proud of my association with WIVIK the Frog for almost 14 years."
The World Famous Tony Igar
WIVK Nov 1979 - July 1992
The World Famous Tony Igar
WIVK Nov 1979 - July 1992