Thursday, April 23, 2009

The 'World Famous' Roars!!!

"In 1974 Vic Rumore moved from WNPT in Tuscaloosa, ALA to manage WKGN. It was under his management the station went from Burkhardt Top 40 to Abrams AOR. Later, he was hired by Dick Broadcasting to take over WKDF A/F in Nashville. He was not there for the infamous Disco13 I was. I am wondering where he is and what's he doing now. When we worked together in Alabama, he did mornings and managed, I did afternoon drive and sales. It was Vic who brought me to WKGN in 1974 to do afternoon drive, and sell. But Dr. Al was doing mornings, Frank Erwin midday's and Mike Beach afternoons. Vic did not want to break up a wining combination, so I stayed in sales and did voice over spots. It was Vic Rumore that hung the title "The World Famous Tony Igar" on me. How that happened is another story, for another time. Today I am known as CAPTAIN TONY", a licensed charter boat captain and sailing instructor in San Diego, CA If anyone knows about Vic, let me know. It has been fun scrolling through the older posts in the ktown101 blog. So many people I worked with, and have such fond memories of." (Tony Igar)