101 found this gem on the www so we reached out to 101 Wall of Fame inaugural member Johnny Pirkle...
Here's Johnny~
Jim did mornings while in UT Law School. He died this year. Jim was a retired prosecutor with the DA's office in Memphis.
Johnny was 10-2 when print job was done. Soon became PM, they called the PD "program manager" because they already had a job on the TV side call program director.
Prewitt was overnights, later at WPLO Atlanta and WWL New Orleans.
Bob was afternoon drive and a UT student. Later he traveled in Teddy Roosevelt tribute. Bob is also deceased.
Lemmy was Farm Director when stations did a 5-6am farm hour.
WATE was consulted by the great Mike Joseph who later transformed WLS and WABC. Yep, that Mike Joseph!