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I worked with Ron Harper and Johnny (Pirkle) at Hits 100 for a while in 1986 or 1987. I ran into Bobby Denton at the Wrangler on Northshore, and he told me to "get Pirkle to go Rock against WIMZ". Years later I worked with the station again when it LMA'd to Dick and was Classic Rock. The PD was Tim Sheenan with whom I worked in Connecticut and Long Island. (Alan Sneed)
Anything on Gayle Robinet from WEZK-FM circa 1974. He pretty much ran WEZK in that time frame, as I recall. (Rick Dodds in Lynwood WA)
Hi! I was just thinking about this. When I was in Knoxville at WKVQ in 1977 I did a TV commercial for the Gatlinburg Wave Pool at Pigeon Forge. It was with an agency, it was a funny and corny commerical. Do you think there'd be anyone in the group that may have a copy of it? I know it's a long shot. (Kim Carson)