Friday, July 16, 2010

After Claude Tomlinson and before Andy and Alison, Wilhite and Wall hosted the morning show on WIVK. Here's an announcement today from Darren Wilhite...

"I'm happy/sad to tell everyone that Tim Wall took a job outside of radio. I'm really thrilled for him. It's a very good job and will take him back to St. Louis. We had a great run as Wilhite and Wall and got to experience alot of cool things. No regrets. I wish everyone had an opportunity to work with someone like Tim...He educated me, talked me off proverbial ledges, could come up with a punchline with 30 seconds left in a song and did a lot of grunt work to keep us on top. Without him, there would be no CMA awards or multitude of listeners/friends that have followed us for 21 years. [Cue Budweiser Real American Hero music] "Here's to you Tim Wall. Years ago you took a chance on a little redneck from Arkansas to do a morning show. You became immune to noxious odors and bad jokes. You never threatened to shoot him (even though you probably wanted to). You endured the long hair, acid washed jeans, Russia, Detroit, the near firing of playing a laugh track under "In the Ghetto" on April Fools Day (It's a long story, we're really not that stupid) and a hours of impressions, corporate radio. And you never complained. Probably because your co-host was whining about it." So raise a frosty mug of hops and barley to yourself, you purveyor of wit and whimsy. Be proud, o Bishop DuBourg graduate, even though you finished in the last 10%. You've come a long way from selling baloney to Ruth at corner market and helping John Ulettpick out music for KSHE. You made us think, you made us cry and mostly you made us laugh. So here's to you Tim Wall...Real American Radio hero!"