Thursday, July 29, 2010

"I’m wondering if anybody remembers, or has any dirt on Glenn McNish from back in the days…Supposedly with WKGN?…circa James Brown days/way back. Bob Collins and Buddy O’Shea were a couple of his air names. He says he was about a year behind Ed Brantley out of Fulton. Stormin’ Norman still hanging out at WLIL…Wish they hadn’t cleaned out the old studios before I came back. There used to be rare treasures there that disappeared. Man, some of that stuff was priceless. At least it was to me… I’d like to have had a few of the old albums, and “In The Bible” with Arthur Wilkerson tapes, and other aircheck tapes that were there in the 90’s. Peace!"

Norman Rhyne
Operations Manager/Account Executive
“The Legendary AM 730”