Thursday, September 23, 2010

Special birthday wishes to Jean Ash...

"Moved to Knoxville in 1973 and loved listening to WROL especially the night of the Strip Streak-a-thon. I got my foot in the door at WKGN in 1974 and surprised the guys when I passed the test for my FCC Third Class license. Joe Anderson gave me a shot as a reporter when Chris Moser moved on to Atlanta. Got fired in 1975, a month after George Mooney sold the station. Was offered jobs as overnight “babysitter” at the old Muzak station (forget the calls) and in news at WNOX but took the offer at WIVK. Worked police beat, City Council, etc. while in grad school and then with Ed Brantley in midday, Booby and then Dave Young in afternoons and eventually Claude in morning drive for many years. Loved dancing with Schultz and Lester and co-anchoring with Channing Smith. My last six months were spent starting up the news-talk format (that became WNOX before the latest developments) with Jim Donovan in the summer of ‘92, and then it was off to China in 1993. Does the brief incarnation of ‘IVK as WHIG count?" (Jean Ash)