Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Happy Birthday wishes to Randy "Arch" Bishop...I first met Randy back in the mid 70's at Ruby Tuesday in West Knoxville, he was spinning records there (if my memory serves me, ha) 

Today it's a 101 Reload, this was first posted in January 2009 from Allen Dennis... 

"I worked at WNOX in late '63 and early '64. I was fired when the sales manager...Pete Dryer...was p****d off because I wouldn't write and produce a spot for him. This was after working for 10 hours that day...I told him I would come in early and complete the task...Stan Hagen...then manager...fired me the next day. I called WKGN and was told that George Mooney (owner) would never hire someone from WNOX. Stan Hagen called Mooney at his home at 11pm the next day and said he had a contract with me and if he (George) hired me he would sue...well that did it...George told his PD to hire me at any cost. I HAD signed a contract BUT I was only 19 when I signed it. In Tennessee you had to be 21. From that day George was a friend. I worked for him a number of times...later at WKGN and when I told him WMAK in Nashville was for sale he bid on it...I had worked at WMAK when I was 17 and I knew they were hind tit to WKDA...well George bought WMAK. I left WKGN just in time. WIVK was cumin' on strong. WIVK was so-so until FM became of age. At that point it was all over. WIVK is a great radio station...Not because of country music but because of IMAGE. If people know you're a friend they will say they listen...whether they do or not. I have worked everywhere from Chicago, Oklahoma City, Pittsburgh, Nashville, Orlando, Birmingham, Chattanooga (my home town) and several other cities and networks! But one of my favorites has got to be Knoxville. God Bless you all!"