As many of you already know, my friend of 39 years Your Dave Young has "signed off" from this Earthly life. A broadcasting legend in East Tennessee. A man behind the scenes of many successful people. Cancer. Damn. Way to soon YDY. I first met him on the radio when I used to listen to him while I was in high school. I met him in person a few years later when I started hanging around WNOX. Then to my great fortune I got to work with him at WKGN. Then we both ended up at the mothership, WIVK. What a ride man! It was in the mid 70s when Dave told me that in years past the Knoxville Christmas Parade had died from a lack of leaders and money. He said we needed to change that for the sake of the kids. We did. And it is still going strong today. He's the one that realized that W-I-V-K said phonetically sounds like a frog. On his show he made a sounder of a frog saying "wivvik, wivvik." Ahh...the birth of "WIVIK the Frog!" Dave knew so many people in East Tennessee. He was a true communicator. He will be missed.