Friday, February 03, 2017

...on my birthday~

It's the spring of 1976, I was a senior at Bearden, I had passed my 3rd class radio license test, I was a weekend DJ at WBLC Lenoir City, I was getting ready to start at UT...and my goal was to crack the Greek ceiling and become a disc jockey in Knoxville.

By fate, the day I stopped in to WIVK to drop off my air check, Your Dave Young, was filing in for Bobby Denton. The receptionist actually allowed me to go back to the control room and drop off my stuff to YDY as I had briefly met him while he worked at WKGN (I was part of the Junior Achievement program there).

Your Dave came thru...I was hired a few months later by Booby, not 101% sure of the back story, but I believe Your Dave's influence landed me 5 years at WIVK and The Music of America!

Here's Dave via The 101 Audio Vault~