Sunday, October 13, 2019

This incredible photo was recently posted on the 101 Facebook page, thank you Nick Archer.

Here's the lead up to this line up, which was hatched on July 3, 1972. In May of '72 Mooney Broadcasting transferred Alan Dennis to sister station WMAK in Nashville (the trend would continue). Eddie Beacon returned at that time to WKGN and the 7p-midnight show.

6 Bobby Rivers
9 Bob Baron
11 Chris Hampton
3 Wayne Bernard
7 Eddie Beacon
12 Frank Erwin

Eddie aka Elwood P Suggins only stayed a few weeks (would love to hear that story, ha)...Frank Erwin moved to the night show with Monte Morgan anchoring midnight to 6a.

And then on July 3 with Bobby Rivers exiting (Possum Riley can fill us in), PD Bob Baron took over mornings and added two jocks, Gary Drake and Jerry Steele.

6 Bob Baron
9 Gary Drake
12 Chris Hampton
3 Wayne Bernard
7 Frank Erwin
12 Jerry Steele

That line up (and the photo above lasted for decades, in radio years...7 months!). On February 26, 1973 enter stage left- Jack Diamond as Gary Drake left.

Jack morphed in to Coyote Calhoun and was a Louisville KY mainstay for decades.

Here's the line when Jack was added...

6 Bob Baron
9 Frank Erwin
12 Chris Hampton
3 Wayne Bernard
7 Jack Diamond
12 Jerry Steele

~ and the rest is Knoxville Radio History (101)!!!