Friday, January 17, 2025

In August 1976 Steve West had moved from mornings at 15Q to the same slot at WKGN 1340. The DJ line up was West 6-10, PD Dr Al Adams 10-3, Pat O'Brien, formerly of WMAK Nashville 3-7p, Barry Tucker (Mike Beck) 7-12, and Kris Lee (Kerry Lambert) overnights. Vic Rumore was GM. Joe Anderson and Kathy Clark were the news anchors with Phil Michaels and David Todd on the weekend.

...from the 101 Audio Vault, Pat O'Brien~

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The 101 InBox:

(about the '86 radio reunion) A fun weekend! I can’t believe it was almost 40 years ago. Gary and I reunited as the original Brothers from 15Q after 10 years. Cheers and Happy New Year! (Alan Sneed)

(about the Phil Williams b'day photo) That’s the Phil I know from WNOX! He did middays and I did afternoons! What a blast. (Randy Miller)