Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy "Good Friday" from 101...

It was great hearing from WIMZ's Stryker yesterday...and hard to believe that WIMZ has now been around for 30 years!

Some incredible talent has been heard on 103.5 thru the years...Keith Lambert, Mike Beach, Phil Williams, Colvin Idol, Kim Mayo, Carson Cooper, Billy Kidd...and the list goes on.

Quite often folks talk about the beginning of WIMZ, how the last country song was sloooooowed down and then we heard Stairway to Heaven. 101 air checked the historic moment, enjoy~

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Happy Birthday wishes to one of our all time favorites...Smokey Burns from WKGN. Oh, and he made it very big in cities like Nashville, Charlotte and Chicago as Robert Murphy! ('s also my wifey's birthday---foto!)