Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Tax Day! Suitcase mentioned his time at WKGN, here he is in 1979 at Disco 13~

Some 101 contributors wrote in to say happy birthday to Kerry Lambert...

"When we changed 1340 WKGN from Kent Burkhart Top 40 to Lee Abrams' first AM AOR Superstars station in the late summer of 1976, Kerry "Keith" Lambert was a holdover (with Mike "Robin" Beck) from the old format. That was my first job as a PD, and Kerry was just a kid doing overnights. I'm happy to say we are still in touch after more than 30 years, which doesn't always happen in this business. Kerry has done everything from jock to PD to OM to GM to account executive, etc., and has always done well. He is just a great radio guy. Happy Birthday and God Bless, Lambo!" (Alan Sneed-o)

"I was one of the original ROCK 104 jocks (mid-days) -- I went by the air name of David. For whatever reason, I wasn't too well regarded by the original program director. I was eased out by this guy and made the decision to return to the Univ. of TN for additional study. Then, that program director was eased out himself! Soon thereafter, Kerry was named the program director. He must have liked me to some extent....he left a note in the control room that said "if anybody sees Larry, tell him he's got a job again!" I ended up staying at the station in some form or fashion for 5 more years." (Larry Solomon)