Friday, August 08, 2008

8-8-08 It's time for the 2008 Olympics from China. The number 8 is the lucky number in China and many couples are marrying today!!!

101 continues with the Iron Man. We heard from two more Ktown greats regarding Jim~

Hey guys, I spent several nights watching "Iron Man" Jim do his marathon. It WAS in a motor from the parking lot at Suburban Center in West Knoxville. As I recall, he got to sleep 10 minutes an hour. I love the guy, but after that (I think it was 6 days plus with little sleep)....he was never the same. Here's to you Jim...wherever you are. (Mike Beach)

Look for the Iron Man at Jimmy's Sports Bar, Tazewell Pike. (Your Dave Young)

Here's the Iron Man setting the record...

Coming soon~ Brandon Campbell contributes some great WKGN memories!