Dave Young was so good to us. When we took over for Claude in 1991, he was the first to welcome us and tell us the history of Knoxville radio. He shared countless, hilarious stories of him and Bobby Denton, The Cat and all the wonderful characters that made Ktown such a wonderful radio market. We were truly blessed to have earned his friendship. We love you and will miss you Dave! (Wilhite and Wall)
Dave was truly one of the kindest hearted genuine people I have ever known. Every time we'd get together we'd tell old Knoxville radio war stories. If in your lifetime you have merely one friend like Dave Young, you've had a good life. Rest in Peace my friend. You had a great air shift. Tell Bobby, Claude and Jim hello from all of us still to join you. (Jeff Jarnigan)
I had put this on Facebook on Jan. 8:Spent about an hour with the Legendary Your Dave Young today. As many of you know Dave has lost his voice to a serious tumor and is having it tough right now. But today we had a blast. We listened to some air checks. Including one that I couldn’t have ever identified as YDY. Many that I could. Since he can’t speak anymore he writes you notes on a pad. Thru that and me having the floor with no interruptions we had a great time! Ha! Love Dave Young. We talked about some of you. Those great folks we’ve gotten to work with and get to know over the years in Radio. About Radio now Dave wrote...Radio Sux. I agreed that while many of the companies do there are still great people still working in the industry. It’s great to sit with such a legendary figure of our industry. There was only one YOUR DAVE YOUNG!!!!
When you listened...You knew he was indeed “OUR DAVE YOUNG” as George Said.
(Paul Lyle)
...more memories of Dave all this week! KtownRadio@gmail.com!